Anchorage Community Development Authority (ACDA) Upgrades to LED Lights to Reduce Costs and Enhance Public Safety

The Anchorage Community Development Authority (ACDA) is upgrading and replacing the current lighting system in its downtown 7th Avenue and G Street, 6th Avenue and H Street, and 5th Avenue and B Street parking facilities. The new lighting system will be LED (light emitting diode).

ACDA received a low interest loan from the Municipality of Anchorage in the amount of $537,300, and the most recent electric bill for the Authority saw a 36% savings in electrical costs as the garage LEDs are upgraded. A larger savings is expected after the LED project is completed in all structures.

“Mayor Bronson continues to look for ways to utilize energy-efficient, cost-saving systems and technology to advance the Municipality of Anchorage’s urban development,” said Mike Robbins, ACDA Executive Director. “ACDA launched the LED-transition project because not only will our loan from the MOA be paid in full by the cost savings in using the new lights, but also because LED lights are whiter and brighter, increase the safety in the parking garages, and have a longer life which lowers the cost of light replacement.”

Robbins notes LED lights are energy and cost-efficient and can be controlled. The new fixture settings include dimming, daylighting, sensors, timers, and other options that will enhance illumination and lifespan.

“We’re moving Anchorage forward with innovation,” adds Robbins. “Our LED upgrade is one example of many through which the Bronson Administration is reducing costs, while modernizing and enhancing public safety. It’s a win for the taxpayer, downtown patrons and work force, tourists, and the Municipality.

Founded in 1984, ACDA is a public corporate authority for the Municipality of Anchorage. ACDA facilitates community and economic development opportunities and public parking for a safe and vibrant community.